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Andes glaciers, ailing giants hit by climate change

Like ailing giants, the tropical glaciers of the Andes Mountains are melting at worrying speed, raising scientists' fears that many will disappear before anything can be done to save them. These icy castles, scattered across…

Is Solar Panel Manufacturing a Green Process?

With concern over environmental impact, many homes and industries are choosing to use solar energy via panels. Solar energy is proven as a clean energy alternative to fossil fuel. The issue is the energy used…

Scientists see bleached coral in northwest Hawaii

Warm ocean temperatures have caused large expanses of coral to bleach in the pristine reefs northwest of Hawaii's main islands, scientists said Tuesday. Mass bleaching has occurred at Lisianski atoll, about 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers)…

Say Goodbye to Plastic Bags

There has been concern over the effects of plastic grocery/store bags on the environment for some time. Some states are finally taking action to eliminate their use and to reduce the damage to our world.…

Big changes in the Sargasso Sea

Over one thousand miles wide and three thousand miles long, the Sargasso Sea occupies almost two thirds of the North Atlantic Ocean. Within the sea, circling ocean currents accumulate mats of Sargassum seaweed that shelter…

Britain pledges funds in fight against deforestation

Britain on Monday promised $234 million to step up the fight against deforestation, tackling a key contributor to climate change on the eve of a UN summit. Britain will provide another 84 million pounds ($137…

Far more displaced by disasters than conflict

Disasters last year displaced three times more people than violent conflicts, showing the urgent need to improve resilience for vulnerable people when fighting climate change, according to a study issued Wednesday. The Norwegian Refugee Council,…

World will 'change course' on climate at UN summit

A UN summit on climate change will see the world "change course" and begin to seriously tackle global warming, UN climate envoy Mary Robinson said Wednesday. More than 120 leaders are to attend the summit…

Coral growth rate plummets in 30-year comparison

A team of researchers working on a Carnegie expedition in Australia's Great Barrier Reef has documented that coral growth rates have plummeted 40% since the mid-1970s. The scientists suggest that ocean acidification may be playing…
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