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Asian stars enlisted to fight African rhino poaching

Increasingly desperate South African conversationists are turning to a multi-national team of "rhino ambassadors" to try to end the scourge of poaching—and Vietnamese pop diva Hong Nhung has been recruited for a good reason. It…

For legume plants, a new route from shoot to root

A new study shows that legume plants regulate their symbiotic relationship with soil bacteria by using cytokinins—signaling molecules— that are transmitted through the plant structure from leaves into the roots to control the number of…

Tropical fish a threat to Mediterranean Sea ecosystems

The tropical rabbitfish which have devastated algal forests in the eastern Mediterranean Sea pose a major threat to the entire Mediterranean basin if their distribution continues to expand as the climate warms, a new study…

Giant jellyfish pops up in the north-west

An unusually huge toxic jellyfish has been found off the north-west coast of Western Australia. The Keesingia gigas is one of two new species[1] of Irukandji jellyfish[2] recently discovered by scientist and Marine Stinger Advisory…

Controlling the transition between generations

Rafal Ciosk and his group at the FMI have identified an important regulator of the transition from germ cell to embryonic cell. LIN-41 prevents the premature onset of embryonic transcription in oocytes poised for embryonic…
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